FC3300 Evergreen Lifetime 100% Acrylic Interior S/G Enamel White Base
The 3300 is a next generation, ultra premium Semi-gloss enamel that features a cross linking resin that has ultra low VOC* and extremely low odor and meets Green Wise Product Performance Testing ● ≤ 100 g/l VOC.
The 3300 is a next generation, ultra premium Semi-gloss enamel that features a cross linking resin that has ultra low VOC* and extremely low odor and meets Green Wise Product Performance Testing ● ≤ 100 g/l VOC. This product is recommended for use on properly primed or previously painted interior wood, plaster, wallboard, metals, brick, concrete or other masonry surfaces. 3300 is ideal for use in high traffic and hard service areas in commercial, industrial, and institutional facilities such as schools, hospitals, and manufacturing plants. The 3300 combines the stain and scrub resistance of an alkyd enamel, with the ease of application, water clean-up and non-yellowing of a latex coating. The 3300 has superior adhesion and blocking resistance and will adhere to many substrates. This product may be used for most applications where four hour industrial enamels are appropriate. #3300 is ideal for use on properly prepared interior wood trim and kitchen cabinets and is resistant to hand oils and mild household cleaners.